Monday, September 7, 2009

policing the foreigners

Another day, another morning killed at the foreign police.  This time, it appears that we're making a little progress & someone has finally taken the lead & decided how to progress with an expired long-term residency (rather than just send us willy-nilly to another part of Prague).  Tomorrow we head to, well, another part of Prague (just not willy-nilly) to a different office of the foreign police, hopefully now with the correct paperwork to enable me to, in time, be granted (once again) my long-term residency- rather than another two years of temporary as was threatened. So we'll see.

Today is the first day that the kids get a choice of hot lunch- there are three options that they put up on the school website (the girls in Lily's class told her that #1 is, virtually always, the option to go with)- & we knew that you were supposed to order a day ahead but when we tried to do it on-line (where we thought we were supposed to) we failed.  They are supposed to make these arrangments themselves, in person (& in advance- no judging by what actually looks good), to complicate things.  Of course.

Today after school they also have their first afternoon of Czech for foreigners- a 45 minute class once a week- & you'd think they were being sent to pick up trash at the train station with all of the kicking & screaming.

re: The House Dinner
It was very nice, pan Hatle (the owner) started off with a champagne (something akin to juice it was so sweet) toast & then proceded to grill many rich pork products.  The frittata was good- although not as delicious as we know it should be- not as creamy & considerably spicier. The people are very pleasant.  Our children behaved very nicely.  The (very ill-behaved) little boys from downstairs came late & got sent to bed early.  It didn't rain on us.  All in all, a nice evening.

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