Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I Hate My Kitchen Sink (or, some days are harder than others)

Why, I ask you, would someone put a shallow sink- a sink that doesn't fit pots or cookie sheets or large pans/bowls (a sink that would, at the most, be at home in your van remodel) into a kitchen?  A shallow aluminum sink without a sprayer, so that when attempting to wash aforementioned larger-than-a-cup & saucer items, water will, inevitably, douse the kitchen (as well as unfortunate dish washer)?  Could that be good for the kitchen?  My annoyance levels?  Hmm.  I think not.

The Kids hate school lunches.  Getting up early.  Music class.  The milk.


  1. Sigh. That is a tiny sink. Wow.

  2. With a husband as clever as yours how much work could it be to run down to Home Depot, or the equivalent hardware store and pop in a new, larger sink?

    Or failing that, get in the habit of heating up a huge kettle of water before dishes and use that to wash in, then rinse in tiny sink? sort of like you are camping. :)

  3. Until you get a larger sink.... disposables!
