Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Day of Mourning

Maybe I'm not supposed cook.  I'm just not sure how I can do it without this pan.

My great aunt gave it to me when we first moved to La Conner in 1998 & she was clearing out some things- & I'm sure it had a long & useful life before becoming my favorite (& much-beloved) pan.

I used it for everything. Everything.

(Well, for everything except comforting Gingerbread cake...)


  1. Oh, that is so sad! The demise of a beloved pan is worth mourning. They are difficult to replace. Sad. I will keep a sharp look out at second hand stores for its long lost twin!

  2. First of all, wow. You broke a cast iron pan. I'm impressed.
    Then, all I can do is give my condolences. It was a beautiful pan. Perfect size, perfectly seasoned. I'm sad for you. I know you will search the globe for a suitable replacement.

  3. Thanks for the sympathy. It was a rough day.:)
    I, too, was a little shocked at the breaking of a cast iron pan. I always kind of looked upon them indestructible. Guess not.
