Sunday, November 1, 2009


Here in Prague there seems to be a new found acknowledgment of Halloween- Lily's class had a Halloween party-with-cake/ adults headed out to parties (it was a Saturday night, after all), but there will never be a way to match the American fervor for the day- & we, naturally, missed it. Or, more precisely, we missed the trick-or-treating. It's hard to collect candy from the unsuspecting.  To make up for that (if only a little) we devised a treasure hunt for the kids- they carved pumpkins & dressed up & then we gave them clues- rolled-up rhymes complete with burned edges for effect- that lead them to some sort of treat & their next clue.  The final clue took them to the entrance of the nearby cemetery- dark & sprinkled with candles (in preparation for All Souls Day on the 2nd)- & a fitting ending.  Afterward we stopped in at our neighborhood pub for Kofola & beer. Not the madness that is the LaConner trick-or-treat frenzy, but we managed to hit the main points & they seemed to have fun- & it's probably not a bad thing that we won't have those tubs of candy around until Christmas (Really.  Not a bad thing. For the best. I don't want a bowl of delicious miniature candy bars sitting next to me right now.  So tiny & tasty. Really.  I'm glad.).

1 comment:

  1. I personally like having big bowls of candy around 'till Christmas very very much...
    It tastes good.
