Friday, October 9, 2009

To be a True Bohemian

Last Sunday Zdeněk decided to take the kids to a march.

The Bohemians 1905 (soccer) fans were marching in protest against the Bohemians Praha (infringing soccer team).  It seems that, a few years ago, the club was facing bankruptcy & the name, logo etc was sold to another club- but, in the end, the fans stepped in, formed a cooperative & rescued the team.

They've been fighting over the name, logo etc ever since.  It looks like, eventually, the originals will prevail- but for now, they march.

On Sunday, the two teams played each other- with the usurpers supposedly insisting on an unusually-inflated ticket price- & so, they marched (&, with marching comes beer-drinking & excessive public urination,  naturally).

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