Yesterday, after one more sleepless, jet-lagged night, my sweet husband had a surprise for me. He told me to meet him at 7:00, dress casually (his example of the appropriate casual ware: slightly-less-than-fresh shorts) & that he was taking me somewhere for a post-birthday surprise, as I'd been in the States on my actual birthday (trip to the States to be revisited shortly).
By the chosen bus stop, I knew where we were headed: 007- a tiny club amidst the student housing on Strahov hill that we used to frequent before we were even dating. I couldn't guess what we'd be seeing- an old punk band? Some garage band from the 90's that I hadn't thought about in ages? So I was surprised when we got there & saw the sign: Firewater (extra thoughtful when you consider that this is not at all Zdeněk's type of show- a very un-punk crowd). I was most surprised (excited) that they were playing in such a tiny venue- capacity: 180- & it wasn't even full (sad for them, for me, well, not so bad). They put on a fun show, although I have to admit I was disappointed that they didn't even give me even one song (just one!) from the oft-played album in my collection: Songs We Should Have Written. Sigh. I guess bands don't always love doing covers (even if- perhaps especially if- it is some of their best work)...