Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Introduction to Year 7

On Thursday we celebrated Antonín's 7th birthday (well, some preferred to honor the passing of the 6th year)...
In the morning, Zdeněk brought home a delicious breakfast of chocolate-filled croissants, some crazy little tubes of coffee cream/sweet paste & Bobík- a yogurt-like cup of sour-creamy goodness.

In the afternoon we had  a party by the pool.

The next day, Antonín took his new rifle from Granda & we headed to the Modrý Slon for end-of-summer haircuts.

 Coming Soon:  School

Sunday, August 23, 2009

smoke & hooves

Last night Zdenek & I met Lori & Dean at a pub near our house- Orechovka.  The place was covered in antlers & heads &, the favorite, a cloven hoof.  It was our first evening run at leaving Miss Lily in charge (& only because we know the Nikolaj is really in charge of himself).  It all seemed to go pretty smoothly & only once did Antonin have to call to let me know that he was "feeling emotional".  I suggested a spoonful of nutella (well, the Clever version anyhow) & that seemed to do the trick.

Today was a full-on lounge around day- ate, took the kids to the pool, played games & read. (the boys are now out for an evening swim while Zdenek is waiting for Filip to come by with the newly purchased kettlebells)- I, sadly, finished the 2nd Twilight book (New Moon).  Very light & enjoyable reading- I knew I shouldn't have started them until I had all four- as I really need to sit down & finish the lot- but, these plans sometimes go awry... (& we must suffer)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

urine collection

This morning Antonin came out of the bathroom & announced that he wasn't going to be peeing in the toilet anymore, but rather, he was collecting his urine in a bottle (to see how quickly he could fill it up).  Remembering the almost-gallon jug that he'd been using as a bath toy I quickly let him know that this really wasn't going to work out (urine doesn't save well/ smelly/ not nice) & was glad to hear, without much arguing the glugging of the bottle being emptied (into the bathtub, sure, but at least emptied).